
By investing in innovative technologies which works with industry requirements - D-Law boasts quality solutions that aims to provide an unrivalled legal research and assessment experience customized for the specific market that's efficient and user-friendly.

Discover Connections with Related Case Search
  • More often than not, a company and/or director may have more than one litigation record. Link to related case search to quickly check if there are other civil and/or criminal cases filed against them and the nature of the claims made.
Judgment Link
  • The judgment link is built to automatically track new judgment files published on the Hong Kong Judiciary website so that you can always have the option of reviewing records in further detail.
Time Saving Company Abbreviations
  • Unless you use an exact search feature, D-Law will display the search results with all possible abbreviations (e.g. International=inter=int=intl) for the company name to ensure no records are missing, thus eliminating the need to perform individual searches for the variations.
Effortless Monitoring with Watch List
  • Automatically receive alerts each time there are updates, movements and activities relating to your customized Watch List.

Please visit our service features  page for more information on additional features.